Parnership for a Healthier America

The Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) is devoted to working with the private sector to ensure the health of our nation’s youth by solving the childhood obesity crisis. These campaign and subsequent digital assets were created to promote PHAs #GivingTuesday initiatives. 

The Jack Welch Management Institute

This is but a small fraction of lightweight social media content created for the Jack Welch Management Institute over the course of 14 months with JWMI. The topical content quickly paired with dynamic typography and imagery to peak the interest and inspire prospective students to learn more about the Institute's offerings. 

Memories and Celebrations of Motherhood

The MOMentos campaign was created to celebrate Mother's Day, 2014. Participants were encouraged to share memories of mother's via Storify and social media. Individuals who donated money were gifted a limited edition "Your Mama" poster as a thank you for participating. 

Contribution: Art Direction/Design/Content Creation


The GIVEPositively campaign was created to raise funds for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Turning the word "positive" into something hopeful, donors were encouraged to donate, participate and engage via social media. 

Contribution: Art Direction/Design/Content Creation
Additional Design: Janet Kim